Copyright and Trademarks
General Disclaimer
All of the information provided on this site is current as at July 14, 2015. Digital Reno makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the site or content provided. To the full extent permissible by applicable law, Digital Reno disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.Although every effort is made, on a continual basis, to update and provide current and accurate information on this site, Digital Reno assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the content and reserves the right to change the programs or services referenced at any time without notice.
This web site and all of its contents—videos, white papers, text, graphic images, icons, buttons, photography, audio files—are the property or licensed property of Digital Reno and is protected by Canadian and international copyright laws. Digital Reno reserves the right to make changes, add or delete— in part in or in whole—any content on this site at our discretion. This site or any portion of this site may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose that is not expressly permitted by Digital Reno in a writing signed by an executive of Digital Reno.Trademarks
Both the company name, logo, and tag line and those of any of our digital publications, products, or services as used within this web site are trademarks of Digital Reno and may not be used in connection with any other product or service or in any manner which may lead to confusion in the market place or detract from the brand value or positioning of Digital Reno.Reservation of Rights
Except as expressly and unambiguously provided within client engagement contracts, Digital Reno does not grant any express or implied rights under any patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secret, or other intellectual or industrial property rights.Privacy
Our Privacy Policy follows the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information and complies with federal and provincial privacy laws including the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and Canada’s Anti-Spam legislation (CASL). Please read this Privacy Statement completely before using or submitting information via this site.Consent
By using the Digital Reno web site, you are accepting the terms of this Privacy Statement. Whenever you submit information via this site, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of that information, personal or otherwise, as described in this Privacy Statement.Personally identifying information
We are committed to providing you with a digital experience that respects and protects your personal privacy choices and concerns and is fully CASL-compliant. Personally identifying information is collected by Digital Reno only when you specifically and knowingly provide it and expressly indicate your willingness to be further contacted.Collection and use of personally identifying information
Digital Reno collects and uses your personal information primarily for the purpose of providing you with the products and services you have requested from us, including the delivery of electronic newsletters, event registration confirmations, and updates and other information related to Digital Reno products, services, events and seminars.The information we collect is also used to communicate with you about your subscriptions and to provide you with information related to Digital Reno products and services.
All e-mails sent to subscribers clearly identify the source of the e-mail as Digital Reno.
Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation
Subscribers to reserved content on our web sites or to our newsletters may elect to receive informational or promotion-based e-mails from Digital Reno and third parties—either in whole or selectively— and may unsubscribe from receipt of such communications at any time by emailing or by calling (888) 908-8302.Personal information as provided by subscribers will be used by Digital Reno to contact only those who have indicated that they are interested in receiving informational or promotion-based communications from sponsors, advertisers, or clients of Digital Reno.
If you enter a contest or participate in other promotional activities offered Digital Reno, your personal information will be used to administer the promotion, including the use of your name and selected other information for the purposes of contacting, announcing and promoting the winners of the promotion. Digital Reno may also contact you from time to time to conduct research and surveys in our ongoing effort to improve our product and service offerings, or to invite your editorial comments for articles being developed for publication.
Digital Reno will not release your personal information to a third party without your authorization unless required to by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary in order to conform to the edicts of the law or to comply with a legal process serviced on our Web site.
Digital Reno will only ask you to provide personal information that we need, when we need it. We will always explain why we need the information and what we intend to do with it.
We will seek your prior consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personally identifying information and you can refuse such consent. You may also withdraw your consent at a later time by giving us reasonable notice. We will notify you in advance of any change in our intent for the use or disclosure of your personally identifying information.
Your personal information will not be used for any other purpose without your consent.
In order to effectively provide the products and services which subscribers have requested, Digital Reno may share your personal information with selected third parties who act on our behalf as suppliers or service providers. Examples include bonded mailing houses for processing and labeling items, including publications, prior to mailing; and, Canada Post and other distributors and carriers. We provide only the information required to perform the requested service. Information provided to third parties in these circumstances may only be used for the stated purpose. It is our practice to require third party suppliers to handle information in a manner consistent with Digital Reno policies.In addition, the information collected to service your subscriptions may be made available — on our premises only — for review by the Canadian Circulation Audit Bureau (CCAB), or another bona fide third-party auditing entity. The auditors may also contact randomly selected subscribers in order to verify that, as publishers, our distribution statements are accurate.
Supplemental information
From time to time we may supplement information given to us via our Web site with information we acquire from other sources, such as information to validate your address, or company information available through sources such as business directories. This is to help us maintain consistency and accuracy of the information we collect and to helps us provide a better service.Non-personally identifying information collected automatically and use of cookies
Our Web servers log information about visitors that is not personally identifiable. Examples of this type of information include the type of Internet Browser and computer operating system you are using, and the domain name of the Web site from which accessed our site or an advertisement.Also, when we collect personal data from you in a transaction, we may extract some information about that transaction in a non-identifiable format and combine it with other non-identifiable information. This information is used and analyzed only at an aggregate level to help us: understand trends and patterns; improve the content and design of Digital Reno Web sites; to enable our audit bureau to verify our claims of traffic to the site; and, to help advertisers and potential advertisers assess the suitability of the site for their advertising campaigns. This information is not reviewed at an individual level.
Information we may place automatically on your computer's hard drive
When you access some sections of our web sites or digital properties, we may store some information on your computer, in the form of a “Cookie”. A cookie is a piece of data that a Web site can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your computer as a small text file. Cookies allow us to tailor the Web site content or advertisements to better match your interests and preferences. With most Internet Browsers, you can erase Cookies from your computer hard drive, block all Cookies, or receive a warning before a Cookie is stored. Please note, however, that blocking or disabling cookies will limit your access to non-restricted content sections, and erasing cookies will require that you re-register if you wish to access content in restricted sections of the site.Links to non Digital Reno web sites
While Digital Reno will seek to require third parties with whom it has agreements to follow appropriate privacy and CASL policies, we do not bear any responsibility for any actions or policies of such third parties.Our site may contain links to other sites not owned or controlled by us. Digital Reno is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.
This site is maintained by:
Digital Reno,
124 Merton Street, Suite 407,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4S 2Z2
Phone: (888) 908-8302
Contact Us